The days are getting warmer, the sun light is lasting longer and our canine furbabies are ready to play outside all day. To ensure you head into spring safely, Puppy Paradise has compiled these safety tips.
“Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones”
. . . With the winter thaw, yards abound with sticks which can cause choking and serious injuries to dog’s mouths. Playing fetch with your canine buddy with a stick may seem like a movie scene but the popular practice can cause horrific, internal injuries and possible paralysis as it damages the back of the throat and spine. At playtime, reach for appropriately-sized rubber balls, frisbees or plastic bones.
Grow Your Garden with Care
. . . Many dogs enjoy eating grass, but take care during spring and summer months. Fertilizers, insecticides and herbicides keep our plants and lawns healthy and green, but their ingredients may be dangerous if your pet ingests them. If you contract with a lawn service, alert them you have a dog so you can discuss how long the dog must stay off of the lawn before it is safe. If you are a do-it-yourselfer, always store these products in out-of-the-way places and follow label instructions carefully. Many popular springtime plants—including rhododendron and azaleas—are also highly toxic to pets and can prove fatal if eaten. Always wipe your dog’s paw after walks to avoid licking of chemicals from your neighbor’s lawn treatments.
I’ve got Allergies too
. . . Just like humans, dogs can suffer from seasonal allergies. In addition to sniffling and sneezing, a dog’s allergies may present as skin problems. Dogs with allergies will be very itchy, lick or chew their paws and rub their face and ears on the couch or carpet. Skin inflammation from allergies can lead to other issues such as superficial bacterial infections, hot spots, ear infections and anal-gland infections. Similarly to humans, dogs can suffer anaphylactic shock from allergic reactions to insect bites and stings.
“There Ain’t No Bugs on Me
” . . . Your veterinarian is a good resource for helping prevent flea and tick infestations. As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention . . . Check your dog regularly – ticks are typically found around the head, the ears, neck, chest and forelegs although they can be found anywhere. “Feeling” for them is usually easier then trying to find them by sight, depending on the length of your dog’s coat.